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Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Villian for New Batman Movie?

※ Okay, before you guys go apeshit, I have to say that I'm not a diehard fan of Batman, and I don't know any of the historical stuff. Please excuse me if my arguments make no sense.

I just recently rented and rewatched The Dark Knight, and it reminded me of how a movie, let alone a comicbook movie, should be done. It was dark, edgy, while entertaining the brain as well as the eyes. It's solid proof why people go nuts over a batsuit-wearing vigilante fighting a clown.

I never understood why people are betting loads of money on who the next Batman villian was gonna be, but yeah, I guess I am pretty curious, too.

Now, just to make clear, I never read the comics, seen the numerous movie adaptations and whatsoever. I am solemnly basing my opinion on Burton's Batman, Batman Returns, Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Begins, and of course, The Dark Knight.

I am a huge fan of Batman: The Animated Series, and there was one villian that was created only for the purpose of the show, and her name is Harley Quinn. I love her, we all do. Who can't? While serving as a wet dream for boys, Harley offered us girls hope that we can be just as deadly as we are hot. With her bubbly personality and skintight jumpsuit figure, she had us all debating whether we should switch sides to the Joker or not.

Now I know what you're probably saying. Are you kidding? That was a kids' show. That kind of flamboyant, costumey character can't possibly be on the next B-man movie.

And my argument is, if they could work with The Joker, Scarecrow, and Two-Face, chances are they could also work with Harley Quinn.

Now granted, Quinn is kind of an exaggerated character, but if you look at her backstory, that shit's kinda serious. She was an intern at Arkham Asylum who was then seduced by the Joker. And when she realized when the Joker was a victim himself, she went nuts and decided she would help him as his lover/sidekick.

I highly doubt that the Joker would be in the next movie, especially considering Ledger's death. So I thought, hey why don't we make her into an independant character? That, we'll get into later.

Another character that I had in mind was the Creeper. The pic above looks kind of exaggerated and silly, but he's kind of an underrated character, and there wasn't any good pic I could find.

Anyways, the backstory on this villian is that he started out as a reporter, Jack Ryder. One night, while filming a special on the Joker, the Joker appears and drops Ryder into the same pool of acid he was dropped into. Joker's special chemicals react with the toxic acid, upbringing the homicidal madman we know as the Creeper. After the Creeper goes on a rampage, Batman captures him and gives him an antidote patch, which only works if if stays on. Eventually, Jack Ryder ends up with an alter ego named the Creeper.

The only reason why I chose this guy is because of the special attention Christopher Nolan paid to the media's reaction in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. It was interesting to see that the media responded to Batman's every single action, and I thought maybe, it would be appropriate to have a reporter as a villian, critisizing and exploiting Batman's every move.

Now, in the original animated series the character Jack Ryder was more anti-Joker than anti-Batman, but that's a minor detail we can adjust for the movie.

The plot I had in mind is, I gotta admit, pretty ridiculous and cliche, so please don't mock me for any of it, okay? It's all just a joke.

Jane Harley, starts out as Harvey Dent's character. Pretty straightforward and normal. She is young and energetic, and recently started working for Wayne Interprises. She is innovative and does well, so she is noticed by Lucius Fox. One day, while returning home, she is kidnapped and brutally physically abused (or if you want drama, raped) by a mob led by a casual mob leader called The Creeper (no yellow skin or anything like that). Because of the incident she is emotionally scarred, and is ordered by the Creeper to track down Batman.
The reason why the Creeper wants to spy on Batman is because he is Jack Ryder, a reporter for Gotham News, and is recently out on a rage to destroy and exploit Batman (because of a backstory I haven't considered yet, lol).
Jane is held in captivity for a week, then she makes her escape.
After that, Jane swears to track down all of the member of the mob and kill them brutally.
She also decides to kill Batman, believing that he also took a part in her humiliation.

Meanwhile, at Wayne Interprises, Lucius Fox informs Bruce Wayne that Jane Harley, an energetic newcomer who's shown progress, has been absent for a week. When she returns, Wayne meets her, and sees that she is hiding something. Charmed by her energetic personality and her dark secrets, he asks her out.

(To be continued)

Here's an episode of Batman: The Animated Series "Beware of The Creeper." It's kinda childish, but it's a hell lotta fun. Enjoy!!


  1. Really?!?!?! Harley Quinn??

    I liked her when I was a kid, but I'm not sure about a movie...

    Ah well, looking forward to hearing the rest of the story (nice cliffhanger there, lol).

  2. hmmm interesting.... beautiful song btw
    keep up with the good work
