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Thursday, October 28, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Batman Sequel?!?!?!??!?!

Director Christopher Nolan. Best known for Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Inception.

Although he's probably best-known as the visionary writer/director behind some of the most highly regarded movies of the last decade, Christopher Nolan's true talent has always been his remarkable, nearly uncanny abilility to grant interviews, then refuse to answer all questions. In a recent interview with the LA Times, Nolan is typically reticent -- indeed, most of the article is about how interviewing him is like pulling teeth -- but he does reveal at least three interesting things:

1) The third Batman movie will be called The Dark Knight Rises. While this is obviously an improvement over, say, Batman Begins 3 or The Dark Knight 2 or Batman Forever 5, not everyone is satisfied. According to Jeffrey Wells at Hollywood Elsewhere, the new title "really sucks eggs."

2) The villain will NOT be The Riddler. Considering that most of the activity on the Internet during the last year or so has been devoted to Riddler-related casting rumours (Joseph Gordon-Levitt? Johnny Depp? Michael C. Hall? Paul Bettany?), this news is particularly devastating. At least 10 million hours of collective manpower went into this endeavor -- what was it all for?

3) The movie will not be in 3D, but a combination of IMAX and hi-def. This is good news for movie-goers, bad news for the manufacturers of Tylenol -- the primary beneficiary of the 3D craze.

The tentative release date for The Dark Knight Rises is July 20, 2012. In the meantime, expect Nolan to grant a series of interviews in which he divulges one or two minor details, then responds "no comment" or "I can't answer that at the moment" to everything else.

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