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Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Post For Next Batman Villian

5) Someone NEW.

Let's face it. Nolan is going off in his own direction, doing his own things. And since the Batman we're watching is clearly entrenched in the YEAR ONE universe, before most of his enemies really came out of the woodwork, there's nothing wrong with the idea of working with some Batman writers and coming up with a really great NEW villain. Worked for Paul Dini when he created Harley Quinn. It could work here.

 4) Hugo Strange

Hell yeah. Deranged psychiatrist who discovers Batman's secret and ultimately wants to become him? There's some real danger there - especially if Bruce begins counseling over the death of his lifelong love.

3) Killer Croc

Something new for the Batman universe that Nolan is creating would be something not...quite...human. Killer Croc is an awesome villain who could be adapted in a number of interesting ways. Circus freak, genetic experimentation. I have faith that Nolan could bring Croc to his gritty world and make it stick.

2) Deadshot.

UM. Yeah. Suicidal assassin looking to get whacked by a superhero who won't kill him? This could really create a tough story in which Deadshot gets meaner and meaner, trying to push Bruce over the line while he wrestles with his inner demons and his desires to actually kill. ALL THE WHILE Deadshot is framing him for the murders. Now there's a Batman movie I'd take questions on.

1) Zsasz

Brutal deranged serial killer who believes his targets are zombies that he frees from this mortal coil, then marks up his own body to keep tally? Yeah, that sounds like a Nolan villain. It would also help continue the series slide into darkness - something of an attractive notion compared to the bright and colorful look and feel of the action films that the other Superhero movies tend to have. This is the guy I want most to see.